Browse Items (39 total)

A photo of the Ute Indian School in Ignacio, Colorado.

The transcript of an interview with Rosemary Aiken conducted by Liz Wheelock at the Ignacio Community Library on Wednesday, January 27th, 2016.

The transcript of an interview with Linda Campbell conducted by Liz Wheelock at the Ignacio Community Library on Thursday, May 19th, 2016.

The transcript of an interview with Jean McClanahan conducted by Liz Wheelock at the Ignacio Community Library on Friday, February 5th, 2016.

A newspaper photo of the T.D. Burns & Sons General Store from July 4, 1913.

Southern Ute Agency.jpg
A photo of the Southern Ute Agency.

A photo of the inside of Phillips Mercantile, owned by Harold Phillips, in Ignacio, Colorado.

A photo of "main street" (Goddard Avenue) in Ignacio, Colorado with building descriptions.

Two photos of Lee Anderson's gas station in Ignacio, Colorado.

Katie 1.WAV
Listen to Katie as she shares about 4-H and more.
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